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Welcome to Giggly Squad. Each week, Hannah Berner and Paige DeSorbo make fun of everything, but most importantly themselves. They discuss pop culture, fashion trends, television, horoscopes, mental health, dating, and expose their personal lives. Also, they can't be managed.

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Acast powers the world's best podcast. Here's a show that we recommend. Wanna join a film club that has real frank discussions, talking about films that you actually wanna watch. Well, then look no further because we are frank film club with me, Mayzie Williams. And each week, we watch a film and then come together and obsess over it, or sometimes absolutely slate it. Either way, There's always a lot to say. And the films that we pick range all the way from, like, nineties and noughties classics all the way up to new releases that are coming out every single week. And sometimes we get our listeners to pick for us. And we all work in the film industry, don't we, ladies? Indeed. So we really love to look at specifically how a film was made. So if this sounds like your bag, then come and have a listen to Frank film club and remember absolutely everyone is welcoming this club Acast helps creators launch, grow, and monetize their podcasts everywhere, I feel like I'm perpetually on a skin journey whenever my skin gets good, then it gets bad, then I'm, like, wait. I have wrinkles. Like, it's just a whole process. And, honestly, when you're feeling your skin isn't your best, it really messes up your confidence. That's why I have to tell you about today's sponsor, one skin. Their products make it easy to keep your skin healthy while looking and feeling your best. No complicated routine, no multistep protocols, just simple scientific women in stem, validated solutions. Other skin brands treat symptoms rather than getting to the root cause of aging, most skin care available on the market is designed to provide a temporary reduction in visible signs of aging, addressing just surface symptoms of an underlying decline in skin health. Once skin combines tissue engineering, data analysis, and cutting edge longevity science to create the

This is so soothing. But, like, please don't share that with anyone. No. My voice notes are out of control. How are you? Because you didn't really tell me you're going to Michigan. Like, it kinda never came up. I didn't really know. You didn't know you were going to Michigan. Like, it's actually so funny because my mom had the same exact reaction. She was like, excuse me. I was talking to you all day. You never once dropped that you were in Michigan. Also, fun fact, Michigan is not a time zone away. Oh, yeah. I kept being like, and don't forget, we're an hour behind. Who are you telling that to? The people in Michigan? Just the people. And they were like, nope. We're not. And I go, yeah. We are. We're basically in Chicago. And they're like, oh, so when you're flying out. Michigan, your phone will, like Go to Canada. Go to Canada. Yeah. So So it's like everyone figure it out. I really enjoyed Michigan. Mhmm. And then I was like, why do I like Michigan? And then I had all the gigglers DM ing me, and they were like, because low key Michigan's really rich, and you must have felt that vibe, which I didn't, but I was wondering why. I was like, I like it so much, and they're like, no. It's, like, very rich. And I was like, okay. We both traveled a lot the last couple days, and I I had a I do college gigs sometimes because I love in Miami? Yeah. I love to speak to the youth Yeah. Of America. So I I went to Orlando first. Mhmm. Then I went to Miami. University of Miami is a literal resort. I don't know how The school is a resort. They get anything done. There's, like, waterfalls and, like, hot people and anything with palm trees, I'm like, this is not this is a vacation. Anyone I know personally who went to Miami did in fact not finish, and some went to rehab. So, like, that is my only, like, like, what I think of Miami. Like, I had one friend who was gonna be a professional golfer, rehab. I have another friend who was, like, gonna be great in finance, rehab. Like, it's it's scary, but Alex was just gonna greet me there. I thought I'd come in, and she goes, welcome to the the Barbie. Like, welcome.

Notes we had. I wrote fuck April fools, and Pedro, I missed giggly this week. I'll be good. Sometimes during my week, something will happen, and I'll be like, where's my microphone? Like, I wanna pod about this, and, like, some weeks are harder than others. Well, when I feel like the gigglers haven't heard what's going on Yeah. Like, we haven't even talked about the girls getting punched in the head. Let's talk. Like, I it literally rattled me for an entire week. I didn't say anything about it on social media because, like, I because you didn't get punched. Didn't get punched on that, and I didn't wanna, again, make it about me. But I had so many things. I was, 1, enraged, and 2, I will die for New York City. But this is the first time in 10 years Yeah. That I felt scared walking somewhere, like, during the day. I was a little annoyed with New York City because New Yorkers, like, especially since 911 growing up, you could say whatever you want about them, but, like, when someone needs help, New Yorkers come to the rescue. Like, you you ever, like, someone kinda faints on a subway? Who's the doctor? The doctor like, that's how New Yorkers are. So I understand they must have been, like, busy and stuff, but part of me is like, why did no one beef that guy's ass? Yeah. I do have to say there's so many funny quality TikToks that the girlies were making. Yeah. They took their Stanley, and they were like, I'm a beat someone's ass. I do have to say, I woke up, and I I was not scared. Yeah. I said, I've been waiting my whole life to have a physical altercation with a man, and I'm ready. You, like, wish that he would. I I wish you fucking would. Yeah. 1800, try me. I saw so many TikToks of girls being, like giving, like, their subway route to get to them to, like, punch them in the head, not these, like, young, like, 20 year old girls in the West Village. Wait. So girls are sacrificing themselves? Yeah. They were like, why don't you come here? She's like, what tribe are you in? One of the girls was, like, coming to Park Slope, Brooklyn.

Painful, I think about men, and I'm just like, they don't even fucking deserve this kind of pure beauty that I'm about to reveal. No. And I actually just started lasering my legs because I it's, like, the only body part that I have it. And I started using now I can't remember their names. But they come something? No. They come to my house. Yes. Okay. Sisters on the go. I think I need to do that. Because literally, I let like, you just sit on the couch and she takes out the laser and she just does it. How long would it take you to do my entire fucking body? She went so fast. Okay. I think I have to do it before summer. I love how this is just a checkup. This is a checkup. Physical checkup and mental. No. Gigglesmart is literally we've actually we've actually tricked everyone into just doing our weekly checkup with us because we'll never get it done if we don't. And it's just like, are you doing good? Okay. Yes. Are you? Okay. Also, I tried to, like, start taking vitamins last week because I thought that that would heal me. Yeah. And I took a Lemmy gummy. Shout out, I love Lemmy gummies. Yeah. It got stuck in my throat at one point because I think I was talking because I never showed up. I thought I almost died because, like, it's a difference getting food versus a fucking sticky gummy stuck in your throat. For a good 40 minutes, I was like, get my affairs in order. You're like this. How I go? And I was like, imagine if Kourtney Kardashian murdered me. You're like, Kris Jenner's gonna hate the PR on this, but like also brand awareness. She's a female entrepreneur. You cannot do this, sir. You have to stay alive. But I do love gummies. I do. I don't know if it's because Des has been gone for a month or because I'm getting older, but my gag reflex has, like, she's changed. No. So funny that you bring that up because I've actually noticed mine as well in the past year. Yeah.

Bangs and girls getting bangs, and people are yelling out, Paige, is she okay? And I'm like, look. I can't speak for her. Certainly not okay Yeah. Ever. Yeah. I think first and foremost, we should get that out there. So, like, really, the bangs thing for me, like, I could be Are you having fun with them, though? I'm having fun with them. I watch them. Okay. Amazing. Amazing. Like, it's who I am now for at least the next couple of years. I Years. I think so. I feel I love that the only thing you like to commit to is Hair. Hair. Which, like, grows back. My favorite thing, though, is when you did that, like, plastered on your forehead Yeah. Like, on during fashion week. I thought that was so sick. I love that. Well, my hair grows so fast, so I, like, always have to get my bangs trimmed. Oh my god. It's so hard for you. It's so hard. Nails and my hair and my boobs, they're just nonstop growing. And that's why women shouldn't have to pay rent. Oh, speaking of period update, The gigglers were so in my DM. The gigglers are really worked up about it. Really, really, really texted me, and I was like, I don't know. They're like, please do not take that vitamin, and please go to, like, a a different doctor. Thankfully, before, like, I saw all these messages and before I even started taking that vitamin, I went to, like, my natural doctor Okay. And he was like, no. No. No. No. No. Like, don't take that. And so he put me on this vitamin regimen Mhmm. To try and help my hormones. And, honestly, I've only been on it for, like, a couple days, but I already feel How many vitamins do you have to take in the morning? Like, do you feel like I take 2 in the morning. For my period, I take 2 in the morning and 2 at night. That's just for my period. But then I take 4 in the morning for my hair. Someone was saying, like, it's so embarrassing to get older because you're like, congrats on, like, basic things, like your pee getting your period to work or, like, congrats. You slept for 7 hours last night without having to pee or something. It's so embarrassing. Yeah. I also saw something that it was like, if you have a boss, isn't it, like, low key embarrassing, like, asking for a day off? No. It's like, daddy. Hey. Do you actually think that I could I hate No. But that's